Friday, August 1, 2008

Weekly Crunch- August 1

My original idea for this blog, back about 2 years ago, was to comment on things I found silly or interesting that happened during the week, because I was always talking about entertainment/politics/stupid things at work. Hence the Water-Cooler Worthy logo.

I never really got it going, and then was inspired by Danielle over at Captain Porkchops to just start writing, because her blog is honest and hilarious and always makes my day. And I was a writing major in college,
and I have found technical writing to not fill any kind of void on creativity.

Now it's occurred to me that I should attempt to also achieve the original idea. So, if you please; the first "Weekly Crunch". It's a little sparse since this week I was in Florida and dealing with other things. But I'm starting now so I can get in the habit of having it every Friday.

Weekly Crunch- July 25-31, 2008

  • Nutrition: New FANCY M&Ms Revealed- This whole new marketing scheme for chocolate with it's ANTIOXIDANTS and FANCY BLENDS is totally fine by me. I'm willing to go along with it. But upon entering CVS this afternoon, now M&Ms have what's called "The Premier Collection" Errrr...was it necessary to go there? You can read more about wacky candy marketing at Mars INSANE website that I love a Mars bar, but I'm not sure I can go for that. (If you are going to try new premier M&MS, don't tell Guy Ritchie).

  • Technology: There is a new search engine at Apparantly it's just tubular.

  • Movie News: The trailer for the new Harry Potter has come out, as well as the trailer for Twilight, based on Stephanie Meyer's addictive series. Also, the fourth book in her series, titled Breaking Dawn, will be out August 2. I don't know what it is about this series, but it pulls ya in.
Weird Bits:

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