Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Dubious GOOP recommendation

I subscribe to the online newsletter GOOP from Gwenyth Paltrow. The idea behind it is that Gwenyth shares recipes and lifestyle resources from her life. I like it. It's simple and classic. Some people find Gwenyth off-putting because she comes off like a snob. I like the fact she doesn't get overly excited with the attention she gets. She and Chris Martin do a good job in protecting their marriage and family from the papparazzi.

I just received my issue of GOOP - ideas for holiday shopping. He-zah! I love finding cool new sites with neat items...Wait a second....

Gwenyth, are you kidding me?

Customized leather is fine, but really?A FLYSWATTER made of leather?

Who is swatting these flies, John Wayne? And do you truly want to step out as a intense killer of flies because that's what people think when you brandish a leather flyswatter with your INITIALS on it.

Do you think that your initials will be emblazoned on the fly carcass as a warning to other flies?? There are a few men I can think of that could even remotely having a chance of pulling this off; one of them being:


Karina said...

woohoo, welcome back! I get GOOP too! I must have overlooked this one LOL

Anonymous said...

I think the Dos Equis dud can certainly pull it off a leather fly swatter

Anonymous said...

LOL Anonymous is me-Sara

Anonymous said...

LOL and I meant Dos Equis dude-not dud.

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