Which leads to the question of why we don't yet have a Cinematography Czar in the White House since I believe last week a Czar of Potatoes was announced (Dan Quayle). BUT, it also explains a disturbing snippet from Putin's "vacation in the mountains" recently, where he, um, posed for a sleazy romance book cover?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Putin On The Ritz
Which leads to the question of why we don't yet have a Cinematography Czar in the White House since I believe last week a Czar of Potatoes was announced (Dan Quayle). BUT, it also explains a disturbing snippet from Putin's "vacation in the mountains" recently, where he, um, posed for a sleazy romance book cover?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Professionals are Starstruck Over Giant Rat
In Papau New Guinea, they found a species of giant rat. A species which I want to hug.
Also, kudos to cameraman Gordon Buchananan, who was just informed he's made Mr. March for his action pose next to said giant rat in the 2010 wildlife photogs calendar.
According to CNN:
George McGavin, a Research Associate at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and The Department of Zoology of Oxford University told CNN: "It's hard to be sure exactly how many new species we have found, but it is more than 30.
"To find new species of insects in this region isn't uncommon, but we found sixteen new frog species, one new bat species and at least three new fish, and this giant bloody rat -- the size of a cat. Amazing!"
A giant bloody rat! That's science-talk for jolly good fun. Seriously, these researchers have to be having the best time ever. I love it when scientists get all excited. Let's keep in mind these are the folks that shouted for joy in high school biology when they removed a frog's pancreas and brandished it in the air and the rest of us choked back bile.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
ooooooo MadMen
Friday, July 31, 2009
I'll take an order of Awkward
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Meat Market
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Most Awesome Eulogy Ever
British Baron Dai Llewellyn passed away yesterday. He was 61.
Don't know who Dai Llewllyn is? Well I didn't either. Until I read his eulogy. It's hilarious. It makes Hugh Hefner look like a snooze-bag. His nickname was Seducer of the Valleys (he was from Wales, or you could take it as something else.) A few key points:
- Paul Callan, the journalist, recalled: 'He told me about a hilarious episode of having three debs in a bed, each of whom he was happily servicing, while a Mexican band stood naked around the bed serenading them.'
- In 2005 he slipped away with another man's date to a discreet bedroom. Things were going well, Sir Dai said, until 'the corner of the bed started to go'. Then, he said: 'We plunged through the floorboards and a wardrobe fell on top of us'.
- Sir Dai told such stories with a gusto that was infectious. He would never get up in the morning planning to make love to three women, he would say, adding 'but if it happened, it happened'.
- Taki Theodoracopulos, the Greek shipping heir, said: 'He was always short, yet he always went first class. He didn't have the kind of money other people had, but I never saw him as a hanger-on. He had his pride.'
- One of the things he was proud of was his prodigious ability to consume alcohol, yet remain sober. In an interview at the hospice last November he said he once drank eight bottles of wine, a bottle of rum, a bottle of port and a bottle of vodka in one night, yet in the morning he was perfectly lucid.
- He had children. Can you IMAGINE if this guy was your GRANDPA?"Aaaghh, gramps is telling the menage trois story again..we've heard this a million times!"
- Who are these Greek shipping heirs???! They pop up in all cultures and societies. WHY WAS GREEK SHIPPING SO PROFITABLE? Does anyone know? ANYONE?
- Baron Dai could be responsible for the continuation of the British words: dandy, rake, scoundral, and perhaps randy