Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Got Hustled

Dave came home the other day. "Hey!" he said, "check this internet game out! It's like crack!" And, entranced by the opiate value of a game, I did indeed check it out. Hours later he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Playing farm hustle"

The next day. "What are you up to?

"Farm Hustle."

I know now I have problem. I want people to stop talking so I can better concentrate to match up the strange manga animals (I'm not sure I see any of those on any farm, maybe a Mars farm). You have to get 3 in a row. "It's just like bejeweled!" said my friend. I took great offense. "It's so better than bejeweled." I snarked. I was ready to throw down.

I guess just the name of the game should clue you in. Farm Hustle. It's a hustle, a racket, a dark seedy underground world where you can't sleep at 4 am cause you got the shakes and only a session of farmhustle will mellow you out.

Part of it is the sounds- they just pop. It's like popping bubble wrap- you don't stop until every ounce of potential air has been extinguished from its cruel plastic chamber. In the same vein, I want the crack farm animals to find their friends and pop away.

I even told my geeky friends, "It's like that episode of Star Trek The Next Generation, when Commander Riker gets addicted to the virtual reality game because it gives him a high every time he goes up one level." Man, that episode was a powerful afterschool special. Denying knowledge of the episode, (LIARS) They looked at me in horror and said, "first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem."

Special thanks to Chris over at Cute With Chris in passing the addiction to my boyfriend who passed it to me.


Abandoned Garden said...

OK...I'm not going to deny my geekdom, but that ST:TNG episode where Riker gets "hooked" on the electronic Risa mind game and infects everyone else on board...wasn't that sappy-sweet relationship between Wesley Crusher and Ensign Robin Lefler a.k.a. Ashley Judd just adorable?!? C'mon...admit it!!! ;o)

Kathleen said...

Wow! Reader Glen, you are a brave individual. You've not only confirmed knowledge of the episode, but you brought up another plot point! And it was adorable! Well done!