Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Spring!

I must confess I am not a huge Easter person. I am much more apt to enjoy the notion of a new spring. Regardless of religious orientation, there are a variety of things that make me uncomfortable with Easter. Keep in mind that while I was brought up by hippies who spurned their Catholic roots, those roots go deep.

1. Passion Play Drive-Thru: Hey, kids, when you want to watch a man tortured to death because of YOUR sins, but don't have a lot of time, find a Passion Play drive-thru. Honk your horn if the guy in front of you is going too slow.

2. Passion of the Christ. I have not seen the film, but Dave has, and he said a guy went into the theater with a plate of nachos. DO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THIS STORY IS ABOUT? Needless to say, the guy did not eat his nachos.

3. Chocolate Crosses. Fine bits of delicious chocolate from Russell Stover.

These treats are the first in the "horrifying death" series. Next, the chocolate rack ,and the kids will love chocolate thumbscrews.

4. Dying Eggs. Every year I think I'll like it. Every year I use that dang metal egg holder, the egg slips out and my wonderful design scheme of half red and half blue turns into nasty gray brown. I get pissed.

However, in lieu of these negativities, I highly approve of toddlers running around in an egg hunt, and getting very excited to find an egg. Cause, you know, it's an egg. And they get so excited. Super cute. Also, giant gift-giving bunny: awesome. Basket full o' treats (no chocolate crosses)=good. Chocolate Cadbury Cream Eggs and Peanut Butter Eggs....excellent. No more snow and daffodils popping up..lovely.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Got Hustled

Dave came home the other day. "Hey!" he said, "check this internet game out! It's like crack!" And, entranced by the opiate value of a game, I did indeed check it out. Hours later he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Playing farm hustle"

The next day. "What are you up to?

"Farm Hustle."

I know now I have problem. I want people to stop talking so I can better concentrate to match up the strange manga animals (I'm not sure I see any of those on any farm, maybe a Mars farm). You have to get 3 in a row. "It's just like bejeweled!" said my friend. I took great offense. "It's so better than bejeweled." I snarked. I was ready to throw down.

I guess just the name of the game should clue you in. Farm Hustle. It's a hustle, a racket, a dark seedy underground world where you can't sleep at 4 am cause you got the shakes and only a session of farmhustle will mellow you out.

Part of it is the sounds- they just pop. It's like popping bubble wrap- you don't stop until every ounce of potential air has been extinguished from its cruel plastic chamber. In the same vein, I want the crack farm animals to find their friends and pop away.

I even told my geeky friends, "It's like that episode of Star Trek The Next Generation, when Commander Riker gets addicted to the virtual reality game because it gives him a high every time he goes up one level." Man, that episode was a powerful afterschool special. Denying knowledge of the episode, (LIARS) They looked at me in horror and said, "first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem."

Special thanks to Chris over at Cute With Chris in passing the addiction to my boyfriend who passed it to me.

Monday, March 10, 2008


After getting highly inspired by Danielle over at Captain Porkchops, I decided to start my own lil' blog talking about all the stuff I find ridiculous. This way too, my friends and boyfriend can get a break from my ranting. Usually it is current events that get me, or silly ideas, it really can be quite random so I am not going to categorize it and we'll see how it goes.

My first topic. The governor from New York. First of all, even though I was born in the state, I had no idea this guy was governor. Name is Spitzer. Which is gross. But most alarmingly, why does he look like a DEMON? Acckkk! Look at his demon eyes! Well, he just got busted for enjoying ladies of the night apparently in our own local town of DC.

So, I think well maybe this is just one demonic picture of him. Nay, friends.Check out demonic Spitzer to the left, where he's wearing his politician frowny face. With his wife who apparantly has had her soul sucked out of her by the Spitzer.

By the way, if you are going to be a jerk and go see prostitute and you are a politician, gee whiz, no better way to go about it then that little town called OUR NATION's CAPITAL. No one is looking for dirt there on political figures, excellent choice.